The Practice of Programming Notes

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Style

page 2


1.1 Names

  • 全局用描述性的名字,本地用短名。


    clarity is often achieved through brevity.

    pch 字符指针

  • 一致性
  • 为函数用主动名字

    if (isoctal(c))。。。 使得是或否清晰

  • 正确性 : 内容和名字一致性

1.2 Expressions and Statements

  • 缩进来显示结构
  • 表达式用自然形式
  • 用括号解决含糊
  • 分解复杂的表达式
  • 清晰 the goal is is write clear code, not clever code.
  • 小心副作用

i++ 有副作用

1.3 Consistency and Idioms

  • 使用一致的缩进和括号风格 By the way, if you work on a program you didn't write, preserve the style you find there. When you make a change, don't use your own style even though you prefer it. The program's consistency is more important than your own, because it makes life easier for those who follow.
  • 用术语来保持一致性 For an infinite loop, we prefer
 for (;;)
while (1)

is also popular. Don't use anything other than these forms.

Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:21

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
